Why You Should Move Out Of Your Home
I’m 21 and 3 months ago I left my house to live and work in a metropolitan city and it was the best decision I have ever made and if you are from the US and reading this. You might think, what’s the big deal?
Here’s the big deal. Here in India it is idealised to stay at your parents home forever. If you leave your home at an early age then you’re going to be scammed and you’ll suffer a lot of pain.
And that is the point. The fact that you will go through a lot of challenges as soon as you leave your home is a big reason why you should leave your home. And I will go into it a bit later.
But right now we need to talk about the 3 big reasons why you need to leave your home right now.
1. Comfort Zone
Your home is your comfort zone and there can be no progress made if you stay forever in your comfortzone. Growth will only happen if you literally push your boundaries and get out of your comfortzone.
And leaving the comfort of your home and hometown and moving to a new town. Navigating life there and managing your finances all alone will add a significant layer to your experience and knowledge that staying at your home never will.
2. Independence
And it’s not just the independence to drink and go to pubs anytime you want to. Although I’ll bet you will have less time to do all the bad habits because most of your time would be spent solving problems that never existed for you.
Independence is a double edged sword. Altgough you’ll have the independence to bring girls home and drink at your room but you also need to become independent enough to clean after the mess.
Your mom or parents won’t be here to wash your clothes or tell you what to do and what not to do. You will have the independence to make your own decisions and you can’t complaint if your decisions don’t work out.
3. A New World
Let me tell you a story. There once lived a frog family, they all lived inside the well. The baby frog had never seen the outside world. So, he always thought that his parents are the largest creature that ever exist in the world.
The well was his world because of the limited exposure. And maybe you’re this baby frog having only a limited exposure to the world and that’s why you might have a lot of limiting beliefs.
Once you get out of your hometown, you’ll discover that there exists a whole new world out there. A world that will ask you questions when you’re wrong, a world where the concept of right and wrong doesn’t exist. You’ll experience a lot of things for the first time in your life.
That’s why move out. Get a shitty job and move out of your hometown to experience a new life and if you feel like coming back to your house. Definitely do. But I want all of you to experience the discomfort of living alone and how it massively changes you as a person.