Why did I stop writing on Medium?
This is the question I asked myself a week ago and here is what I got as an answer:
- I don’t have time because of my professional and personal commitments.
- This is not worth it and it is better for me to spend my energy somewhere else
- I don’t want to do it because I have fulfilled this layer of my purpose
And do you know what my response to all these answers was?
All of this is bullshit. I had been procrastinating all this time. Looking for the next dopamine hit from my work.
The next advice session from my mentor, the next pep talk from my friend, and the next eye-opening conversation with my mother. I did it all. But none of this worked. The reason?
Nobody can change your life. Repeat after me. No advice. No gyaan. No youtube video can help you feel satisfied. And nobody’s going to do it for you. In the end, you got to take matters into your hand.
And just do the things you want to do. What’s the worse that can happen? People will not read your content? Who cares anyway? You’re doing it for yourself. People will come and go.
So, for anyone who knows they should be doing something but they are ignoring their inner voice by telling something intellectual to themselves. I have a message for you.
It’s easy for us to delude ourselves. And live life like that. But that voice will always keep lingering within you. It won’t stop bothering you. It would come in your dreams and will keep you awake. And the only way to stop this voice is to listen to it and to do what it tells you to.
Because in the end you have to live with yourself and you can’t keep hating yourself. That’s like being in a toxic relationship with yourself. Unblock your inner self and listen to what it has to say.