What I learned from 100 Days of Consistent Meditation

Shubham Jena
4 min readJun 14, 2022
Photo by Katerina Jerabkova on Unsplash

Everyone says that you should meditate every day and states a lot of benefits of it. But it’s not until you do it, that you realize that they were correct.

But it’s not easy to stick with meditation because you won’t see any visible results from it easily.

Which makes you feel that you’re wasting time that you could have used to do something productive.

So, In this article, I’ll be telling you Why you can’t make Meditation a habit and what are the real benefits of it without any voodo or manifestation stuff.

So, Let’s get started with the real benefits of Meditation.

1. Meditation won’t make you Calm

Sounds weird but true. Meditation won’t make you calm contrary to popular advice. Not at the beginning at least. The real goal of Meditation should be Mindfulness.

Since Most of us spend a lot of time on the Internet and consume a lot of content. Every 3 seconds we are bombarded with a new piece of information.

Our brain is now unable to focus for a long period of time. And that’s why it is so important to cultivate the skill of Mindfulness. Because People who can focus for longer in this society are winners. And that’s a fact.

So, I’m repeating it again. The goal of meditation is to make you more mindful not calm. That’s it.

2. You don’t need to Meditate for 2 hours

You will see this glorification of Meditation on the internet by Influencers and Celebrities who claim that they can meditate straight for 2 hours.

But what’s the point of it. You’re only feeding your ego with the fact that you can meditate for 2 hours and that’s why you’re superior to the people who can’t.

And meditation should do the opposite of it. Right? It should make you grounded and more humble. Not more egoistic.

So, start with 5 mins or 10 mins anything you’re comfortable with. Because Meditation is not a competition to be won, bro. It’s a daily practice that is supposed to make you more Mindful.

3. Imagine you’re on a beach

You might have heard this cringe type of Meditation where the narrator asks you to imagine that you’re on a beach and white light is running across your body. I don’t know about you but I find it cringe as fuck.

The only thing that you should be focusing on during meditation is your breath. Nothing else. Stop doing this bullshit of imaging yourself on a waterfall and feeling the water bla bla bullshit.

4. The Mindfulness Loop

Most often while focusing on your breath you’ll find that you have become distracted and you know what? That is okay.

All you need to do after this is don’t judge the thought you were having and start focusing on your breath again. And that’s 1 rep of Mindfulness.

The loop goes something like this:

You Focus on your breath — You Lose Focus — You bring your attention back to your breath without any judgment of the thought

And that is 1 rep of the Mindfulness cycle. And just like you make your Biceps stronger by doing a lot of reps of Bicep curls.

You need to do a lot of reps of the Mindfulness cycle every day to make your Mindfulness muscles even stronger.

So, Let’s answer the big question now.

How To Become Consistent With Meditation?

You might have tried doing Meditation a lot of times but probably you were never able to make it a consistent habit. And that was because you had unrealistic expectations of it which I mentioned above.

But you can make Meditation a consistent habit by making a small tweak to your mindset.

And that is to just show up everyday. Just show up to the practice. Believe me 5 mins or 10 mins isn’t much time of your entire day. But they will give you a 1000X return on your time investment.

Don’t think about becoming calmer or getting rid of your anger. Just show up to the meditation practice every day and believe me just after 60 days you’ll be able to feel the changes in you.

I’d like to recommend you Medito app for your daily meditation practice because it won’t interrupt you with weird shit like imagining you’re on a beach it will only remind you to come back to your breath and start focusing on it again if your thoughts have drifted away.

And NO sadly I’m not sponsored by Medito and they also don’t have any subscription it is free to use for your lifetime.



Shubham Jena

100k+ on Instagram. I write about Reading, Self-Improvement, and Copywriting. For writing gigs, reach out to shubhamjena0501@gmail.com.