The Power of Saying NO to Yourself
When was the last time you made a promise to yourself and failed miserably? Maybe not more than a week. Right?
And this instils a feeling of shame within you. Of course, it should. Because think about it. If a friend told you he’ll do something for you but the next week he broke his promise.
And he keeps doing it again and again would you ever trust him? NO. Right?
That’s the same with you.
So, What can you do about it? What if I say that I can provide you with one hack that will make you disciplined like a soldier? Yes! This hack comes from a Military guy. Of course not me! LOL!
Are you up for the secret?
Say NO to yourself. I know you do but not with your words. You think, you say NO to yourself in your head. But that’s the wrong way to do it.
Say NO loudly. So, that you can hear. Anytime you have the urge to watch porn and nut, and you start to pick up your phone. Shout “NO” in a clear and affirmative tone like a soldier.
Discipline your lizard brain as if you’re a soldier.
Every time shout “NO” whenever you’re going to order that junk food, think of skipping that workout, think of spending money on useless shit that you don’t need.
Your brain is your student and you’re its commander. Treat it like that. Order it aloud such that it can hear it.
I know it will be awkward when you’re with someone and suddenly erupt out saying “NO”. You might startle them, they might be surprised.
But who fucking cares! Disciplining your brain is worth more than 2–3 people thinking you’re a crackhead.
Try this and let me know if it worked or not!