An Essay on The Shortness of Life
A few days ago, I sat down and calculated how much time I had and man it scared the shit out of me. I don’t want to scare you that’s why I’m giving you a caution: THIS CONTENT IS SCARY!!!
You still here?
Are you sure you want to discover the truth?
So, Let me show you the reality.
Every 3 days you’re losing 1 day to SLEEP if you sleep for 8 hours everyday. Which everyone should do. So, In 1 year aka 365 days you’d have lost almost 123 days.
It means that in reality in 365 days, you only have 242 days to live. But that’s not all.
In every 3 days, you lose 1 day to your work if you work for 8 hours everyday. So, it means again you’re losing 123 days from the rest 242 days.
Which means that you only have 119 days to live.
But we forget to calculate the time we spend on our phones. An average adult spends around 6 hours everyday on his phone.
Which means that in every 4 days we lose 1 day to our phone. So, in 365 days we are losing 91 days to our phone. Now our final days meter has only (119–91 = 28 days).
So, In the end we only have 28 whole days (672 hrs) left in our life to enjoy with our family, cook food, take a bath, go for a vacation and work on a side hustle.
If you look at it. This calculation might not be 100% accurate but this presents to us that we have less time than we think.
We might think we are 22 and we still have a lot of time at our hands. But we don’t. Either we accept it and try to make the best use of our time or ignore it and just accept the reality and give up hope.
I want you to be the first type of person.