99% Reading Is Just Procrastination
When I started reading self-improvement books. I fell into a trap. The trap of actually reading a lot of books but not taking action on even a single advice from them and the truth is I wasn’t even aware that I wasn’t taking action.
It was when a friend of mine called me out on this.
She told, “Shubham, You read a lot of books Right?”.
I told “Yes”.
“But you don’t look like you read a lot!!!”
“What do you mean by I don’t read a lot?” The reader in me was offended.
“I think people who actually read self-help books improve their lives too. Because it’s obvious that you’re reading personal improvement books to improve yourself but you don’t look like you have improved much.”
And that hurt me. It actually made me think, that I’m a person who has read a lot of self-help books, who has knowledge about what to do. So, Why am I not doing that thing?
And after doing some retrospective journalling. I came to the conclusion that I don’t do what I do I should be doing because I have a low skill in Action Taking.
Growing Up as a kid we have all looked up to our parents, teachers and other elders to guide us and tell us what to do. We never take initiative or responsibility in our life. We only did what we were told to do. And thus even as working professionals we always look up to our team leaders to tell us what to do to do.
But everyone starts with 0. You don’t take action because you’re at Level 0 of taking action. You need to see Action Taking as a skill and you’re at Level 0 and to improve at that skill you need to practice it everyday.
And by doing things everyday. Actually taking action on the things you read everyday. You’ll be able to actually improve your life slowly by leveling up at this skill.
If you want to get a complete system to take action on the reading that you do. You can get that by clicking here.